Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Two emergency baby quilts

I've been taken away from the big feather quilt by a couple of "emergency " baby quilts.
You know the kind when the shower sneaks up and its 3 days away and they bring you the top and say,
I always say come back tomorrow and I'll have it done.

Here's the first:

And the second:

Here's close ups of the back and inner border:

I also spent the weekend getting my IVIG infusion for Myasthenia Gravis.
And then Mon and Tues having the Headache from 
H E double toothpicks.
This morning I had to make up for lost time with errands to grocery store etc before it got to hot to function outside , so, tomorrow, it's back to the feather quilt.
Only 3 big ole borders to go.

Happy quilting!


  1. Sorry sorry sorry about the headache! Hope it has resolved itself and gone away. Two very cute emergency quilts :D


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